Finding Balance

In yoga we are taught a concept that explains this need for balance- Sthira Suhka Asanam (Yoga Sutra 2.46) which translates to mean the posture (Asana) is stable yet comfortable, firm yet light, steady yet at ease.  This also applies off then mat and used in all aspects of your life.

Using balance to stay present-


“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go”- Rumi

Balance goes beyond standing poses, while the ability to balance in tree pose takes focus and strength, it also comes back to your breath.  Remember the lesson is stable yet comfortable.  If you are forcing yourself into a pose, sweat pouring down your face as you focus to stand on one leg, but you are not breathing, you are not finding balance.  Balance is allowing your mind to ignore your ego and find an ease in the pose that is right for your body at that time on that day.  Often, it is our ego pushing us to do more, be better, achieve results that prevents us from finding balance. 



In our practice, as we strive towards balance, remember to let go of the ego, and where you think you should be.  Use your breath to find focus and stillness in your mind, and in your body, completely focused on the moment and what it is.  The mind is present.

Namaste- Jenny


Everything I need to know, I learned from a Belly Dancer in Asheville.