Natural Support for your Endocrine System

Endocrine health plays a major role in our hormone function.  There are ways to naturally support this system and to feel better overall every day. 

The endocrine system is one of the main organ systems in our body, made up for glands, that are located all over your body that create and release hormones.  These hormones are responsible for many of our body’s functions, including metabolism, energy, emotions, mood, fertility, sleep and blood pressure. 

If you have noticed any of the following issues, you may have something going on with your endocrine system. 


There are ways to combat this naturally and bring your endocrine system back in balance.

 Detox your home and routine- remove any endocrine system disruptors from your home and daily routine.  This includes things like, Fabric Softener, Candles, anything with artificial fragrance, harsh chemicals, and daily stressors. 

Create new health habits!

New Health Habits-5 simple strategies to improve balance in your endocrine system

Take an hour each day for your selfcare- This is a big one and will give you the greatest impact

Exercise daily, this can be broken into mini routines- 100 jumping jacks to start your day, parking in a back spot to increase your steps, take a dance break…. For more ideas – How to incorporate selfcare into your day


Mindfully reduce stress levels.  We can’t always control what is going on in our world, but we can control how we react to it.  Simple breathwork, yoga, or even just feeling your feet on the ground can go a long way to managing your stress. 


Increase your protein intake- add low fat protein to your meals and snacks.  Not only will it help you feel fuller longer, it gives you the energy you need.  While you are at it, swap your sugars for healthy fats, or natural sugars.  This is a big on for me.  I notice a drastic improvement in my sleep when I cut our processed sugars.  Not only to I sleep better, but the nightly hot flashes decrease.

If you do all the above, the last healthy habit will come naturally, improved quality of sleep.  Somme tips to improve it even more- turn off devices 30 mins before bed, instead Meditate, or try a bedtime yoga flow.   


Bringing Awareness to Your Selfcare Practice


Everything I need to know, I learned from a Belly Dancer in Asheville.